Click here to fax or e-mail the current invoice. You may also save it to disk. Click here to view the exchange rate for this currency. Check this box to remove this purchase order from the list of those to be printed in AccountEdge Click here to change the format of the purchase order to a service or item invoice, or use a professional purchase order format. Click here to print the current purchase order. Click here to view your purchase register. Click here to use a recurring purchase order as your current purchase. Click here to save the current purchase as a recurring transaction. Click here to see the Purchases Journal. Type part of a Ship Via method, and AccountEdge will find the closest match. Type part of a Comment, and AccountEdge will find the closest match. Type part of a card name, and AccountEdge will find the closest match. Click here to select a Sales Tax rate from a list of all your rates. Click here to select a Ship Via method from a list of all your Ship Via methods. Click here to select a Vendor from a list of all your vendors. Click here to select a Comment from a list of all your comments. Click here to select a Ship To name and address from a list of all your cards. Click here to see the information for this vendor. Click here to see the information for this sales tax rate. Click here to see the vendor's credit terms.